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Newsletter   I   MARCH 2006


We would like to again invite you to our February gathering. This gathering will be on Friday, March 17th at 7:30 PM in the beautiful Ballroom of the William Pitt Union . The William Pitt Union is located in Oakland on the corner of Bigelow and Fifth Avenue. To get to the Ballroom, use the entrance on Fifth Avenue and then follow the signs. At this gathering we will have an interesting lecture, special music, wonderful fellowship, a full course meal, and children's activities in the Kurtzman room. It's all free so come and invite your friends!


He hath done all things well” (Mark 7:37)

Some Bible verses are like lanterns. They were made for dark places and dark hours. Did you ever hear about the little girl in the train? She couldn't understand why the trainman was going through the car lighting the lamps. She said, “Mother, it is the middle of the day and the sun is shining, why is he turning on those lights?” The mother smiled, and said, “Wait a bit and you'll see what the lights are for.” In a moment or two the train plunged into a long, dark tunnel, and then the little girl saw the wisdom of the lamp lighting process. Dear friend, that Bible of yours contains thousands of verses that seem very ordinary and unnecessary. You can't see why God has gone to all the trouble of lighting those lamps of truth, but some day you're going into the tunnel of bereavement, or the tunnel of temptation, or the tunnel of suffering, and then you will value and appreciate the verses that appear to be commonplace today.

When Everything Material Is Lost

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan tells of a man whose shop had been burned in the great Chicago fire. He arrived at the ruins the next morning carrying a table. He set it up amid the charred debris and above it placed this optimistic sign, “Everything lost except wife, children, and hope. Business will be resumed as usual tomorrow morning.”

                                                                 - TREASURY OF BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS

Dear International Friend,

Greeting to you from International Student Fellowship.

Sometimes the winter months can be very difficult. We all enjoy the sunshine and when we see so little of it in the wintertime it can be a little discouraging. And what about the cold weather and snow. It seems like here in Pittsburgh that one week is warm and then we face winter again. But as the saying goes, “spring is just around the corner.” When it does snow there is something very beautiful and amazing about it all. How wonderful to think our God has created the snowflake with no two being alike. He is a designer of great beauty and wonder. .

This month's Newsletter is a renewed challenge to encourage you to know the God of Creation in a better way. The best way to do that is to read the Bible to discover for yourself, Who, He really is and what His message is to you.

                                                                      --Terry & Pam Tiberio, ISF Assistants


Most of us resent being “used,” but here is something which could change the world, and it is crying out to be used:

Just use me—I am the Bible.

I am God's wonderful library.

I am always—and above all—the Truth.

To the weary pilgrim, I am a good strong staff.

To the one who sits in gloom, I am a glorious light.

To those who stoop beneath heavy burden, I am sweet rest.

To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.

To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing medicine.

To the discouraged, I whisper glad messages of hope.

To those who are distressed by the storms of life, I am an anchor.

To those who suffer in lonely solitude, I am a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.

O, friend, just use me!

If you have not yet discovered that wonderful book we call the Bible, it's time you did. In the words of Samuel to Saul, “Stop here yourself for a while, that I may make known to you to Word of God”

(I Sam. 9:27)

                                                                 - TREASURY OF BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS



1. Studying it with your mind made up.

2. Studying it to let it make up your mind.

“I believe that the Bible is the best gift that God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book. I have been driven many times to my knees by the conviction that I had nowhere else to go.”
                                        (Attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

ISF JANUARY GATHERING (February 17, 2006)

75 were present from the following 9 countries: China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Nepal , Syria, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe, USA.
Hope to see you at the March ISF Gathering on Friday, March 17th, at 7:30 PM in the Ballroom of the William Pitt!
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